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Happy New Year 2019

From everyone here in Blu Jam Cafe Japan, we want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR and thank you for the continued loyalty, kindness, and dedication to our restaurant. We appreciate every single person that has visited us this past year and enjoyed our food! Blu Jam Cafe Japan is extremely thankful that we have such an amazing group of diners that make us LOVE what we do. We only wish that we can continue to make people smile and bellies full in 2019!

2018 was insanely busy for us! It started with us extending our menu to more parts of Tokyo in the opening of our new location in Azabu-Juban. We were thrilled to not only have another place to call Blu Jam home, but now we can give guests our food and service past the usual closing hours and be open until 2am! This month this location will have one year! We highly recommend to people if they haven't checked it out yet (especially if you like burritos)!

We brought Uber Eats back after a short break and now offer it at both locations! So now you can have your Blu Jam Cafe delivered right to your door! We are happy to have a service where no matter what everyone can enjoy our menu.

In 2018 we offered array of new dishes at our restaurants, new burritos, tacos, desserts, coffee specials, and more! Our most popular new item was our home-made Pumpkin Spice Latte that people swore was better than other coffee shops and are asking for it to return. Don't worry! PSL will return again in the fall! Thank you for all the feedback. Keep an eye out for the new items in the works for 2019!

Blu Jam Cafe Japan also partnered with a lot of amazing organizations this past year and we hope to connect with more this year! We teamed up with Yoga gives back, Unicef, FEW (For empowering women), and various food banks in Tokyo to name a few. We love our community and always try to find ways to give back. We also had some community events like our yearly Thanksgiving Buffet and our Halloween Pumpkin Craving. We hope to continue these events and have more this year.

In the upcoming year we have a lot in store! We cannot wait to share all the exciting things we have plan. Keep a look out on our social because we always announce things on there via, Instagram and Facebook.

For now, all we can say is again thank you for an awesome 2018 and here's to an even more awesome 2019!

新年あけましておめでとうございます!Blu Jam Cafe のスタッフからみなさんが良いお年を迎えますよう願っています。お客さん一人ひとりに美味しい料理を喜んでお届けさせております。

おかげさまで2018年は忙しい年でした。はじめに Blu Jam Cafe を麻布十番にオープンいたしました!麻布十番の店舗では閉店時間を26時に延長し、新しい料理も追加しました。今月当店では一年を迎えます。まだお越しでない方はオススメします

Uber Eats は両店舗から注文可能です。ご自宅やオフィスへすぐにお届けできます。

昨年はブリットやタコス、デザート、コーヒーなどの新しい料理を出しました。お客さんの大好評のパンプキンスパイスラテ (Pumpkin Spice Latte) も秋にリターンします!本年も期間限定新アイテムも出ますのでお見逃しなく!

BJC では様々な協会と協力するできました。Yoga Gives BackやUNICEF, FEW (For Empowering Women)などと協力し合えたことに感謝しています。さらに、昨年も感謝祭 (Thankgiving) バフェットとハロウィンパンプキン彫り (Halloween pumpkin carving) を行うことができました。今後もイベントを増やして行きたい思います。



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Permanently Closed

Azabu- Juban


OPEN EVERY DAY 8:00-19:00 l.O

20:00 CLOSE

7371 Melrose Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90046


Minato-ku, Azabu-Juban 1-11-10

Juban Anex

106-0045, Tokyo


18700 Ventura Blvd

Tarzana, CA 91356



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Downtown Los Angeles

12400 Wilshire Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90025


541 S. Spring Street

Los Angeles, CA 90013


Woodland Hills

Sherman Oaks

23311 Mulholland Drive

Woodland Hills, CA 91364


15045 Ventura Blvd

Sherman Oaks, CA 91403


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