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Food For Thought

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

Visitors of Japan are undoubtedly and immediately immersed by the sights, sounds, tastes, and culture that surrounds such a peculiar country. The sea of neon in Tokyo’s nightlife is enough to overwhelm and immerse tourists in Japan’s brand of endless distraction — a paradise for many.


But, mostly invisible to the unassuming, locals and visitors alike often overlook an important issue hidden between Japan’s dense metropolis and throughout its many beautiful countryside towns: poverty.


It might be hard to imagine poverty exist here, but as is the case, it most certainly does. According to the OECD annual report, Japan’s relative poverty rate is 16%, this is nearly 20 million people. The child poverty rate for a working single-parent household is 56% — more than half. The report was a wake-up call for the country, and also drew attention to another growing concern in food loss.



Every year, Japan sees millions of tons of food loss. In 2015, it was to the tune of 6.5 million tons of food waste. This is due in no small part to the country’s approach regarding food handling and safety — commonly referred to as the ⅓ rule. Simply, all the food products in Japan has a sort of life cycle split into three phases.

食べ物の無駄は毎年膨大にあります。2015年には6500万トンほどの食品ロスがあったと言われています(農林水産省)。その結果、3分の1ルールと名付けられた食品流通業界の商慣習がある。それは、食品の製造日から賞味期限までを3分割し、「納入期限は製造日から3分の1時点まで」「販売期限は、賞味期限の3分の2の時点まで」を限度とすることだという。(朝日新聞 2012年)

Generally, wholesalers and retailers will not accept food if it has exceeded the first 1/3 of it shelf-life. When product hits it last 1/3 it is pulled off the shelf. This affects more highly perishable food such as bentos, onigiri, sandwiches, and the like rather than canned goods or dried goods which have a higher turnover rate.


However, organizations have risen up to help lower the food loss and at the same time feed and help those who might regularly go to bed hungry.

最近では、食品ロス削減の実行と、多くの人が食事不足にならないよういろんな組織が増えてきている。その中の一つは Second Harvest(セカンドハーベスト)である。

“Second Harvest Japan,” is the first incorporated food bank in Japan. This organization receives food donations from a wide variety of sources and then distributes it directly to those in need as well as the organizations that serve them. Their ultimate goal is see that everyone has enough food. They are working hard to create a new type of public asset: a food safety-net.

Second Harvest は日本初のフードバンクであり、目的は食べ物ロスを意識向上することと、フードバンクを進めることである。



Second Harvest Japan uses a variety of channels to help those in need; and besides the pantry, they also distribute hot meals at Ueno Park each Saturday, after-school programs, outreach, mother programs among many other outlets they utilize. They also aid and provide relief throughout Japan during difficult times like the flooding in Hiroshima (2018), Tohoku Earthquake (2011), Kumamoto Earthquake (2016) as well as others.

Second Harvest は被害者や食べ物不足の方々以外に、出来立て料理の炊き出しを毎週土曜日に上野公園で用意したり、学生へ食料を用意したり、他にも様々なボランティア活動をしている上、東日本大震災


Currently, Second Harvest Japan is working on a project called “Tokyo2020: Food for 100,000” The project’s goal is to create a food safety-net in place which can support 100,000 people by 2020. They are also working on a “Universal Person Card” which would allow members to have an easier, faster and efficient way to get food through with an ID card.

現在は、「Food for 100,000 People: Tokyo 2020(10万人プロジェクト)」という最大プロジェクトに取り組んでいる。

それは、2020年に支援を必要とする10万人の方々に食品のセーフティーネットを提供するプロジェクトであり、それと同時に廃棄食品を促進する活躍だという。それに、素早く、効果的に、それから楽に食料を手に入れられるために「ユニバーサルパーソンカード」というメンバーズ ID カードを作成しているという。

Being a non-profit, Second Harvest Japan depends on a lot on of donations and help from the public. There are many ways one can help. It can be as simple as volunteering! Anyone can go on the Second Harvest Japan website and see the open shifts available in the many areas where help is needed: kitchen, packaging and driving to name a few.



Another way is, of course, donating food. Guidelines of what food can be donated can be found on the Second Harvest Japan website as well as information about food safety and drop off. You can also participate in general advocacy by spreading awareness to others and starting a real conversation about food loss and poverty in Japan.

食べ物の寄付も可能です。Second Harvest 公式サイトにて食料品の寄付のガイドラインについてご覧いただけます。


As a busy restaurant in Tokyo, Blu Jam Cafe Japan’s kitchen and bar is always stocked to make sure you guys can have that dish you’re craving most. But we can also help you limit food loss! We always offer free take-out boxes and bags for our guests so anyone can enjoy the rest of their food later, in the comfort of their own home! Please don’t be shy to ask for one!

Blu Jam Cafe Tokyo ではお客さんがご満足いただけるために食品や飲み物を常に用意してありますが、食品ロス削減にも取り掛かっています!

もし、食べきれない料理を持ち帰りたい場合は 、持ち帰り用の箱をご用意いたしますのでスタッフへお訪ねください。

We also donate any over-stock of drinks to Second Harvest Japan like juices, sodas, water, and even ginger ale!

そしてBlu Jam Cafe でもジュースや水などの飲料を Second Harvest へ送っています!

Let’s help each other limit food loss in Japan!



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